Which Agencies are located at the Catholic Pastoral Centre? How can I contact them?

Go to the ‘agencies‘ page, listed under ‘Resources’ for a list of the agencies as well as their contact details.

How do I find an address or phone number for the Church in my suburb?

Go to the ‘Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Perth’ website to locate your nearest Church.

Which Organisation can help me with my problem?

Go to the ‘Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Perth’ website for a list of agencies and available services.

We also recommend looking through the ‘Official Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia’ to find appropriate contact information.

I am looking for a venue to hold a Seminar. What is available?

The Catholic Pastoral Centre provides facilities including a Seminar Room, Boardroom and Conference room which are available for hire by Parishes, Archdiocesan funded agencies and other groups and organisations within the Archdiocese who are part of the Catholic Church for GST purposes. Go to the ‘Facilities’ page for more information.

The Perth Catholic Archdiocesan also has various venues available for hire. Go to the ‘Perth Archdiocesan – Venues’ page for additonal details.

Could I speak to someone in the Archdiocese Liturgy Office?

The Centre for Liturgy has re-located to Nollamara. Go to this webpage for contact details.